"INPUniCath" Application Privacy Policy

INPUniCath application (hereinafter: "INPUniCath application") is designed for class and student record management. The application enables the digitalisation of teaching processes and facilitates class organisation and management of teaching in terms of class schedule, student attendance, student evaluation of teaching and teachers, implementation of anonymous surveys, class management, clinical skills records…
Furthermore, the application also provides the opportunity to obtain accurate data on the implementation of teaching activities in real time and to use this data to improve the quality of lesson planning and to monitor the implementation of planned activities. The application enables lecturers and students to enter all necessary data without wasting too much time. The application can be used on a computer and all mobile devices.

We guarantee data security

As the data processing manager in charge of the user data in the "UniCath" application, the Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište (hereinafter: UniCath) is obligated to protect the personal data of its users (students, employees and lecturers). Accordingly, UniCath collects only necessary and basic user data that are required to provide services regarding the use of the UniCath application, but also to fulfil our users’ expectations.
Our data protection officer can be contacted at sluzbenik@unicath.hr.

User data we collect

All user data are strictly confidential and are only available to employees who need it to perform their work. UniCath employees and business partners are obligated to comply with the privacy protection principles. Furthermore, the UniCath employees have signed the Confidentiality Agreement, and all the partners who helped us make this application function properly have signed the Data Processing Agreement.

We keep the following personal data of students: name, surname, PIN (OIB), student ID number (JMBAG), institutional (not personal) e-mail address and profile photo the student obtained upon enrolment.
We keep the following personal data of the lecturers and external employees of the institution: name, surname, academic title, profession, PIN (OIB) (not mandatory), institutional (not personal) e-mail address and profile photo.

Using the application

Application access

Students, lecturers and employees use their user data to access the application. No information is available to visitors to this web application without user data.

GPS attendance tracker

We do NOT store the user’s GPS location. The GPS location is compared at the user’s request, with a clearly marked action. The application may or may not (depending on the configuration settings of the lecture room) confirm attendance at a lecture/practical/seminar using the GPS tracking system. Pressing the “Present” button opens the GPS coordinates finder of the user’s device. The GPS coordinates sent from the device are compared with the approximate coordinates of the lecture room. If the student’s location is detected near the reference GPS coordinates of the lecture room, then the student is marked as present at that lecture/practical/seminar. GPS coordinates sent from the user’s device are not recorded in the database.
Apart from this attendance tracking action, the GPS coordinates are not retrieved in any other way.

Student evaluation of lectures/practicals/seminars/lecturers

The student can grade a lecture/practical/seminar/lecturer by clicking on the button at the bottom of each class. The button appears only if the student is present in class or has requested their presence in class to be verified. The evaluation deadline is 1440 minutes after the end of class. These collected data are anonymous, and employees don’t have insight into which student gave which grade. The report that is available to the employees of the institution is a general report by course/lecturer and contains the overall grade.


At the end of the course, a survey may be opened for student evaluation of the course and/or lecturer. These surveys are filled out by students. Surveys are anonymous and employees cannot see which student filled out which survey.

Who can see other user’s personal data?

The student can see only their own personal data. The lecturer can see the personal data of all students, lecturers and employees. Everyone (whether they are a student or a lecturer) can always see the other user’s name, surname, academic title, profession and profile photo.

Cookies Policy

Immediately after accessing the "UniCath" application, the user gets familiar with the application Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy. The "UniCath" application uses cookies to ensure the application works properly and to improve user experience.

Cookies are small text files that are saved on your computer when you access websites or applications, usually when you first visit a website or when you download an application. Cookies allow you to remember your settings and ensure that you use the application safely.

The UniCath application doesn’t use harmful cookies. Cookies cannot transfer viruses, they improve user experience with the application.

By using cookies, data are stored to keep the user session open and to provide better user experience and service functionality.

What cookies does the application use?
  • Session cookies – cookies that are automatically deleted when you close the web browser and when the session ends.
  • Persistent cookies – cookies that remain “stored” in your web browser until they expire or until you manually delete them if you previously selected the “Remember me” option when logging in.
Final provisions and contact information

In addition to these conditions, other general acts of the Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište form an integral part of the entire INPUniCath application Privacy Policy.
You can find additional information about privacy on the Faculty’s official website: https://www.unicath.hr/

Last updated: 22.02.2024. (02/22/2024)