Studijska godina
This course enables students to learn about various aspects of criticism and modern journalism genres, develop advanced skills and knowledge necessary for successful work in journalism, with an emphasis on achieving excellence in practical aspects of work. A special goal is to encourage students into creative work and innovations in modern and hybrid journalism genres.
The course includes preparation for work in criticism in daily newspapers, cultural newspapers and magazines, radio, television and internet, as well as interaction of journalism with social media. It will also provide students with knowledge of competent writing on various literary, artistic, theatrical and musical topics in different modern journalism genres. Special emphasis is given to in-depth reporting and storytelling, feature writing, investigative journalism, profiles, editorials, data journalism and multimedia journalism.
- Scott, A.O., 2017. Better living through criticism: How to think about art, pleasure, beauty, and truth. Penguin.
- Swaine, M., Gilbert, H. and Allen, G., 2021. Writing for Journalists. Routledge.
- Bull, A., 2015. Multimedia journalism: A practical guide. Routledge. 2nd edition
- Frost, C., 2019. Art Criticism Online: A History. Gylphi Limited
- Filak, V.F., 2021. Dynamics of media writing: Adapt and connect. SAGE Publications.
- Foreman, G., Biddle, D.R., Lounsberry, E. and Jones, R.G., 2022. The ethical journalist: Making responsible decisions in the digital age. John Wiley & Sons.
- Ellis S J., 2021. Shaping Public Opinion: How Real Advocacy Journalism(TM) Should Be Practiced. Authority Publishing
- Earnest, J., 2018. What it means to write about art: interviews with art critics. David Zwirner Books
- Hill, S. and Bradshaw, P., 2018. Mobile-first journalism: Producing news for social and interactive media. Routledge.
Briggs, M., 2019. Journalism next: A practical guide to digital reporting and publishing. CQ Press.
Class Attendance: mandatory 70% attendance is required according to the study program.
A minimum of 35% of the grade should be acquired through regular course activities.
1. Regular course activities
- exercises
- midterm written exam
2. Final written exam