Studijska godina
The course introduces the student to the social importance and
impact of mass audiovisual media in the digital age, especially
film and television series, and its correlation to social media,
online video platforms and video webcasts. Special attention is
paid to the analysis of the use of fiction and documentary film, TV
series and videos as state propaganda and as a representation of
the nation’s history, as well as the shaping of cultural and national
identity through them. Mass AV media in the role of social
critique and as a parody of society, as well as political censorship
and investigative journalism through them are also studied. The
influence of mass AV media on human prejudices and its role as
escapism from social problems are analyzed. Finally, attention is
also paid to religious themes in Croatian, European and American
films and TV series. The main goal of the course is to increase
knowledge about the importance and influence of mass
audiovisual media in society and the ability of students to
understand and analytically interpret them in the context of
certain social phenomena and geographical areas in the digital
1. Campbell R., Martin C., Fabos B.: Media & Culture: Mass
Communication in a Digital Age, 2021. Bedford/St. Martin’s; 13th
2. Carah, N., 2021. Media and Society: Power, Platforms, and
Participation. Media and Society, pp.1-456.
3. Critical Studies in Television: The International Journal of Television
Studies, SAGE journals. 2009 – 2023
4. Bergan, R., The Film Book: A Complete Guide to the World of Film, 2011,
DK Publishing
1. Merskin, D.L. ed., 2019. The SAGE international encyclopedia of mass
media and society. SAGE Publications.
2. Wiesinger, S. and Beliveau, R., 2016. Digital literacy: a primer on media,
identity, and the evolution of technology. Peter Lang Inc.
3. Foreman, G., Biddle, D.R., Lounsberry, E. and Jones, R.G., 2022. The
ethical journalist: Making responsible decisions in the digital age. John
Wiley & Sons.
4. Summers, T. (ed.), 2016. Media, Mass Communication and Society.
Willford Press
5. Hill, S. and Bradshaw, P., 2018. Mobile-first journalism: Producing news
for social and interactive media.
6. Croteau, D. and Hoynes, W., 2021. Media/Society: Technology,
industries, content, and users. Sage Publications.
Class Attendance: mandatory 70% attendance is required
to the study program
A minimum of 35% of the grade should be acquired through
course activities
1. Regular course activities
Midterm written exam
2. Final written exam